Listen from Mary (27 years old, single: note that it is in words of her pet rat that she has written first):
My name is Mickey. I am a little rat of a month, and I’m already happy with my mistress who slowly starts to tame me. When she takes me in her hand, gently, I let her do it and I do not bite. I’m too nice for that! Contrary to what many people falsely think, we rats are adorable rodents, kind, affectionate, and very loyal to their masters.
Obviously, my tail and my little family jewels are not very pretty, but they can be disregarded, and I play with you so quickly forget the little details. I’m not even going to hide in the house. I know that anyway, if she wants to take me, she will turn over the house and catch me in any case. I am not stupid, rats are very intelligent animals!
It has been only a few days since I’ve been adopted so I have very little in my corner but I’m sure my owners will take good care of me!
I like to make a small nest with hay, and sleep in it! That’s all cozy!
Oh yes, it’s good to nibble seeds, I love it!
When I want to be quiet, I will take refuge in my house like Swiss cheese! But, it will be too small for me to fit inside. Then my mistress will buy a big shoe, kind old “pump” worn out after all, you know what I mean?!
I love my cage house but unfortunately she will soon be too small for me as I’m still growing up. I forgot to mention that I love hugs!
*Since Mickey has been tamed, we have had a really special relationship, me and him. When I open his cage, he leaves his cozy house and immediately comes to see me, and if I wait a bit (few minutes), he comes upon me alone, climbs onto my shoulder, and after exploring my every corner, he ended up staying either on my neck, and licking my neck as a sign of affection, or it nestles in the crook of my arm, as in the photo above, and lays there for a long quiet time, lying full length, warm against me. This is a moment that I genuinely like. You really have to have a rat to understand the relationship you can have with this animal: they are so unloved by ignorance.
The rat is a lovely pet, to which we get attached a great deal, and it makes us go along pretty well: when they say in books about the rat he is loyal to his master, he is very intelligent, playful and affectionate, it’s true, I assure you.
When you take a small rat (4 weeks old), it’s very easy to adopt because it gathers confidence in you very quickly. The other day, I met a rat which was a year old, that had just been abandoned by his mistress. Well, the seller of the pet store put it on me and it was nice as anything, very social, almost bursting with joy. But, I have enough animals at home, one more would not have been reasonable (unfortunately!). I learned later that he had been sold, but which I do not know. My hope is that they did not take to feed a snake.
Here we go again! Okay, one last go and then I go to bed! These flashes have me tired at the end, I’ll end up with dark circles under the eyes, I will not look smart with a weary head!
Listen from Mrs. Latonya J. Parker (58 years old):
I can tell you about this little pet, because my children had three when they were younger. I must say that most mothers had disdain for the pet, and then my children were very fortunate that they did not like that for me. But I assure you, I so loved these rats, even today, even though my children are no longer at home, I sometimes blame one another!
The rat is an adorable little animal and three, we have had, have never bitten any of my children. Rats are sociable and love being handled. Unlike a mouse or a hamster, it does not run away at full speed, on the contrary, he rides upon us. Above all, he does not leave his feces around as the mouse is a very nervous temperament.
As for maintenance, change the wood chips regularly, so there is no smell of urine. As I recall, I think the rat leaves less odor as mice or hamsters. The rat needs an aquarium or a cage larger than the hamster or mouse, of course. We will inform you about it during your visit to the pet. The only catch, if we can say is that the rat only lives about 2 years. Consider talking to your child before making the purchase.
Listen from Lisa (30 years):
I Smell A Rat in My Future: the rat as a pet
Thanks to the folk tales told to me by the woman who raised my mother and then me, I grew fearful rats. She said, “The rats come and bite you at night. They blow on the ear, nose, fingers or toes, to cool and numb, if you do not feel pain. Thus, people will wake up and know that some of them is missing. “I guess this pseudo-information has become the first step of my introduction to the horror genre.
Later, I read the Black Death in the Decameron “if by chance someone survives” and the plague of London, and the falsity of how the plague was carried out or caused by rats. Some of these accounts were chilling, to say the least.
The first time I felt any sympathy for a rat was when I was in my late teens. We lived in a three-story wood frame house, where for some reason; the rats had begun to visit. Rat traps were set and a few were captured. After a while, however, a couple of rats who must have learned that the traps were kept about avoiding them.
One day, while I stood at the foot of the stairs on the first floor, I glimpsed a large rat down the steps. It looked like a queen to break into the grand ballroom. She was chubby and cute and she seemed to fear nothing, not even me. I approached the side as she went around and headed for the bathroom downstairs. I watched its trajectory to discover that rats used the toilets and sewers of the city to go into the houses. After that, we posed for the covers comfortable and the infestation has been held in check.
The real surprise came to me two years ago while reading a story: the story was about keeping rats as pets, and obviously, this author had acquired some of them. The truth is, the rats were kept as pets, even before biblical times, and the idea that they caused the bubonic plague is false, since it is a flea market, not the rat, which was responsible for the outbreak of swine.
Rat owners claim that a rat is faithful and loving, and it can easily be shown that the rat is as versatile and smart the way he attacks the bird feeders, even though they lack the acrobatic moves of a squirrel. Certainly, a rat is an animal non-traditional, but watching a couple of rats in the game can be a joy.
However, one must learn a lot about the care of rats before acquiring them as pets. A single rat is not a good pet because rats like being with a kind. The rats were observed to excellent mothers and are loyal to their owners. Many hands are rats by breeders to be sold in pet stores, but there are many anecdotes of the domestication of wild rats as pets, as well.
The only problem in maintaining a pet rat is to find a good vet who was trained in medicine rats. Since rats breed very quickly, they may need to be spayed and neutered.
Rats also need plenty of room to move. Keep an animal in a confined space, such a small cage or an aquarium is not human, anyway. Some toy rat as the wheel and the maze can be homemade, and better yet, pay special attention to animals can be given for them to interact with their owner.
A good pet rat in a pet store or a breeder costs about $10. Assuming you get a couple of animals, this initial cost will be doubled. You will need to invest in a large cage and some food. You may also be able to adopt from the pound local rats, laboratory rat owning agencies. ”
I have not really given much thought to the idea of owning a pet rat, but I do not do too well with dogs and cats due to allergies, a rat can be an animal of choice, since rats, such as lizards, are hypoallergenic. The idea is appealing to me more and more each day.